Il prossimo 22 gennaio si correrà a Roma la 13°edizione della Corsa di Miguel, nata da un’idea del giornalista della Gazzetta dello Sport Valerio Piccioni, per ricordare ed onorare Miguel Benancio Sanchez podista e poeta argentino.
Il 9 gennaio 1978 Miguel venne rapito a Buenos Aires da un commando paramilitare per non fare più ritorno, entrando purtroppo tra gli oltre 30.000 desaparecidos argentini.
La prima edizione della Corsa svoltasi il 9 gennaio 2000 vede la partecipazione di 1500 atleti tra gara competitiva ed amatoriale; l’ultima edizione svoltasi il 23 gennaio 2011 segna il record di partecipazione con oltre 7000 iscritti; vince per gli uomini Francesco Bona dell’Aereonautica Militare con il tempo di 00.29.41 e per le donne Federica Dal RI dell’Esercito con un tempo di 00.34.23.
Il percorso
si snoda per buona parte del lungotevere con partenza dallo Stadio Paolo Rosi per arrivare a Ponte Risorgimento , guadagnare l’altra sponda del Tevere, rientrare su Ponte Milvio e ritornare allo Stadio Paolo Rosi per un percorso totale di 10.200 metri.
Il 31 dicembre del 1977, nove giorni prima della sua sparizione, la Gazeta Esportiva de San Paulo pubblica questi versi di Miguel dedicati al podista:
Para vos atleta
para vos que sabés del frío, de calor,
de triunfos y derrotas
para vos que tenés el cuerpo sano
el alma ancha y el corazón grande.
Para vos que tenés muchos amigos
muchos anhelos
la alegría adulta y la sonrisa de los niños.
Para vos que no sabés de hielos ni de soles
de lluvia ni rencores.
Para vos, atleta
que recorriste pueblos y ciudades
uniendo Estados con tu andar
Para vos, atleta
que desprecias la guerra y ansías la paz.
The 13th edition of the Race of Miguel will take place in Rome the next January 22, the brainchild of Valerio Piccioni a journalist of the Italian Gazzetta dello Sport, to remember and honor Miguel Sanchez Benancio runner and Argentine poet.
On January 9th , 1978 Miguel was kidnapped in Buenos Aires by a paramilitary commando and he never returned back, becoming one of the 30,000 Argentines disappeared.
The first edition of the race was held on January the 9th , 2000 with the participation of 1,500 athletes, both for amateur and agonist race; the last edition was held January 23, 2011 marking the record participation with over 7,000 members; Francesco Bona , member of the Italian Aereonautica Militare won for men with a time of 0:29:41 and Federica Dal RI, member of the Italian Army won for women with a time of 0:34:23.
The path winds through the banks of Tiber river , starting from the Paolo Rosi Stadium to get to Ponte Risorgimento, gain the other bank of the Tiber, and return back on Ponte Milvio up to Paolo Rosi Stadium for a total distance of 10,200 meters.
On December the 31st 1977, nine days before his disappearance, the Gazeta de Sao Paulo publishes these Miguel verses dedicated to the runner:
On January 9th , 1978 Miguel was kidnapped in Buenos Aires by a paramilitary commando and he never returned back, becoming one of the 30,000 Argentines disappeared.
The first edition of the race was held on January the 9th , 2000 with the participation of 1,500 athletes, both for amateur and agonist race; the last edition was held January 23, 2011 marking the record participation with over 7,000 members; Francesco Bona , member of the Italian Aereonautica Militare won for men with a time of 0:29:41 and Federica Dal RI, member of the Italian Army won for women with a time of 0:34:23.
The path winds through the banks of Tiber river , starting from the Paolo Rosi Stadium to get to Ponte Risorgimento, gain the other bank of the Tiber, and return back on Ponte Milvio up to Paolo Rosi Stadium for a total distance of 10,200 meters.
On December the 31st 1977, nine days before his disappearance, the Gazeta de Sao Paulo publishes these Miguel verses dedicated to the runner:
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